Straw Storage Solution

Straw Storage Solution

One of the many concerns with glass items like our Strawesome straws is where to store them when they are not in use.  While we offer up our own ideas on glass straw storage it would be nice to hear how everyone else stores their straws.

We’re offering up a free straw for one lucky person who comments on this post telling everyone how they store their glass straws safely.  We’ll choose one random winner on Friday, February 1, 2013.  One comment per person please!

~ Daedra

Comments (19)

  1. We store them in a drawer apart from all other utinsels and wrapped in a cloth to keep them padded.

    Jan 28, 2013
  2. The plastic containers that sugar free drink powder(like Crystal Light) come in are perfect. They are a perfect height and you’re recycling. It fits perfectly in the cabinet next to the glasses, so when you’re grabbing a glass, you can grab a straw.

    Jan 28, 2013
  3. We keep ours very similar to the blog picture. Ours are in a mason jar in reach of the kids so they don’t have to go on tiptoes to grab one safely.

    Karen Kmieciak
    Jan 28, 2013
  4. I store them pretty much like you have pictured! I just keep them in the cupboard with my glasses, and I put all of the straws in one glass tucked near the back. That’s also where I store my straw cleaning brush. It’s a brightly colored glass straw bouquet in the cupboard! 🙂

    Jan 28, 2013
  5. we store ours similar to your picture… I have one of those large glass pyrex measuring cups in my glasses cupboard and we just stand all of our straws in there. It’s easy to grab them and keeps them safe! We used to just use a glass in the cupboard (just like your picture), but I find the large measuring cup to be a little less “tippy” 😉

    Ami L
    Jan 28, 2013
  6. We also store them like the photo, in the cabinet with the glasses. The only difference is that ours are in the glass for an antique Hazel Atlas Compact Butter Maker.

    Cat G.
    Jan 28, 2013
  7. I put my sewing skill to use and created a pocket with individual pockets within. So each straw has a pocket – in a row – within and then I can roll the the whole thing and throw it in with my utensils. The fabric is thick enough to keep everything safe! (I know this is hard to visualize! but it works and is pretty!)

    Jan 28, 2013
  8. Awesome Strawesome Storage: leftover little old lady style tea cup storage hanger racks already in our cupboards are now safe and useful storage for our awesome glass straws! Photo on your facebook page and mine too if anyone wants a visual:

    Kristin Troska
    Jan 28, 2013
  9. We have them in a child size glass that was the lone remainder from an old set. It is in the back corner of our glasses cabinet so it won’t tip.

    Leah Prescott
    Jan 28, 2013
  10. I have an old glass stein that I keep my chop sticks and glass stirrers and straws in the same cabinet as my glasses. It makes it easy to get to when I need them. I’ve tried other ways of storing these items and the stein seems to be less tipable. I like all the ideas I’ve seen on here.

    Cathy B.
    Jan 28, 2013
  11. As so many others have already said, we store our’s (along with our straw brush) in a vintage Muppets juice glass, tucked away safely in the back of the cabinet. Of course, we have another glass full now, too (although it’s not as cool as the Muppet’s glass)!

    Jan 28, 2013
  12. I found they fit perfectly in chopsticks sleeves. My mom brought me back a set of fancy chopsticks from Thailand years ago. I’ve since destroyed all the chopsticks, so the sleeves are finding a new life of usefulness storing my straws. The sleeves are a nice thick, rigid fabric that encase the straws almost completely, protecting them from getting damaged and also keeping them from rolling around in the drawer. They also provide protection to take the straws on-the-go.

    Jan 28, 2013
  13. I store our strawes and brush in a tall glass like the picture. A friend gifted me a wool pouch so I inserted the pouch to line glass and there is less clanking.

    Jan 28, 2013
  14. I have the “grass” drying rack made by Boon above my sink and all my glass straws are stored/displayed there.

    Ashley Hipkin
    Jan 28, 2013
  15. I keep mine in a creamer in the cupboard.

    Simone M
    Jan 28, 2013
  16. My husband and I just received a Le Creuset Stoneware Cream & Sugar Set for Christmas from his parents and its sitting on the countertop. We put sugar in the sugar bowl but never use the cream container but still have it sitting out b/c they are pretty together. When I received my first straws a few days ago, I was thinking of somewhere to have the straws out on display and saw the cream container and so thats where they are, looking pretty! My counters are deep so the kiddos can’t reach – safe from little fingers.

    Alexis Dunigan
    Jan 29, 2013
  17. We have ours in front of our silverware in a drawer on top of contact paper that’s kinda padded.

    Sabrina Radke
    Jan 30, 2013
  18. Karen Kmieciak is our winner! Thanks for all the great comments! ~ Daedra

    Daedra Surowiec
    Feb 1, 2013
  19. I usually find a really nice cup or mug to store stuff in, works perfectly for me!

    Marylebone storage guy
    Jun 16, 2016